The Curse of Nordic Cove Free pc game

1:00 AM
The Curse of Nordic Cove Free pc game
It all started in Nordic Cove, a small hamlet in the fictional state we all know today as �New York�. Once called New Hamburgerstand in the early A.D. years, it flourished with fur trades and Bacon Cheeseburgers. It was also home to the gravesite of a crusty, sorcerous, evil-naughty-person; the Viking warlord �Helfdane the Terrible!� Helfdane�s tyranny of the New Land was halted during these very rough times due to bad planning, and terrible hygiene.


Provides a fresh perspective in gaming.
Scoring and multiple difficulty levels provide replay value.

Part 1 � Part 2 � Part 3

Part 1 � Part 2 � Part 3

Part 1 � Part 2 � Part 3

Part 1 � Part 2 � Part 3


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